I finally broke my 16 year old custom and this is what happened. I remember my parents telling me that they had joined Interserve the year I was born and apart from being called the millennium baby, I was often nicknamed the Interserve baby. I remember Sophy telling me that our first friends were Jason and Joash, I remember the water fights we had, the alphabet bracelets we used to make during the children's sessions and how we dreaded learning those memory verses because we were a bunch of kids who met only 5 days a year. But like the wind, time flew and I soon started to listen and participate in whatever was being taught. I learned mostly with the skits and little games that were played to make us remember something and loved pondering over some of the questions that were asked. Over the years I grew, spirituality and socially. Each year I grew more attached to the environment and people. It was the perfect time to introspect about the year that was about to end and ...
- - Throw in some science, a little theology, sprinkle it all with some literature; I'll be there somewhere in those entanglements, somewhere where the mind, spirit and heart can merge. - - | Instagram: sharonmaryeappen| Subscribe below to get notifications via email.