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Showing posts from 2016

I Miss It All

I finally broke my 16 year old custom and this is what happened. I remember my parents telling me that they had joined Interserve the year I was born and apart from being called the millennium baby, I was often nicknamed the Interserve baby. I remember Sophy telling me that our first friends were Jason and Joash, I remember the water fights we had, the alphabet bracelets we used to make during the children's sessions and how we dreaded learning those memory verses because we were a bunch of kids who met only 5 days a year. But like the wind, time flew and I soon started to listen and participate in whatever was being taught. I learned mostly with the skits and little games that were played to make us remember something and loved pondering over some of the questions that were asked. Over the years I grew, spirituality and socially. Each year I grew more attached to the environment and people. It was the perfect time to introspect about the year that was about to end and ...

You are the salt of the earth. Comment.

Genre: Christianity And then, when all the ingredients of the food tasted bland, the Master Chef added a little salt and lo taste came in. "You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men." Mathew 5:13 These were the words of Jesus just after the Beatitudes. But why salt? Why not sugar spice or chicken masala? The answer is simple- salt adds flavour. You might not add sugar in spicy food but you will definitely add salt in sweet food fully knowing that salt activates your taste buds and it's highly impossible to regain saltiness once lost. Putting the same thing into aspect, we all are the living salt of the earth . We are to add flavour and life wherever we might be and are to activate the good in everything we see. We are to trigger justice where there is injustice, try to give pleasure where there is pain, comfort when disturbed, peace wh...

Thou art the potter, I am the clay

Genre: Christianity Thou art the potter, I am the clay, You lead me and guide me in all my ways. When I stop at life, when I'm in a daze, You restore and revive me with your unending grace. Thou art the potter, I am the clay, Your hands they mould me, sharpen and bend me. Open my ears let me hear, open my eyes let me see, Let all my tragedies reflect your character in me. Thou art the potter, I am the clay, Need I say more? I'm already exhausted. But what is man if the Creator doesn't mould him? For when the cat is away the mice are at play. Thou art the potter, I am the clay, My enemies have come, shall I flee? But then I look at myself and see your work, A masterpiece, shining in admiration and glee. Thou art the potter, I am the clay, My enemies have come, I will not flee. I know you're here and you will always stay, Come what may, I will testify your name! Thou art the potter, I am the clay, I have surrendered all that I am unto you Ple...

Two Kittens On My Lap

Genre: Non-fiction Two kittens on my lap One dull grey, the other jet black. Oh how swift they were in all their movements I'd stare in awe and it did give me chills. Two kittens on my lap But not my own, my friend's. Oh how they sat on my lap like they knew me And one kept licking the other, thinking she was their dead mother. Two kittens on my lap Always running around, playing or fighting. They reminded me of Tom and Jerry But that, you know, wasn't very creepy. Two kittens on my lap One's fallen asleep, the other's calmed down. But oh I have to let them go Because alas! I have come here for a different reason. Two kittens on my lap I woke one up and the other left hopping. Oh poor creature, why did I do this? I exclaimed as a piece of my heart almost sank. Two kittens on my lap Oh no, that's a thing of the past. It's time to take my books and await The person-to-come or else I'm late. Two kittens on my lap Didn...

Plants and microwaved water?

       I had an investigatory project in biology where I had to analyse the affects of microwaved food/liquid items and compare them to food/liquid items that didn't enter the microwave. So I took two identical plants and gave one normal water and another microwaved water. The following are some of the pictures. The reason: I don't want to make this science heavy, but to keep it simple, the molecular structure of food changes when microwaved . Also, taking human beings into perspective, the human DNA is very sensible to radiations of any form , so long time exposure to both ionising and non ionising radiation can change a cell's DNA. Conclusion: The effects of microwaved food products are residual within the body and a lot of times the body cannot metabolise/break down the unknown by products created in microwaved food. If water is damaged this much, you can imagine what all the microwaving does to destroy the nutrient quality in the foo...

Women - Part 2

(Kindly read part 1 before proceeding. Link: )       Torture is a prodigious understatement of what the women, or rather; the sex slaves of Afghanistan were put through by the Taliban. In Afghanistan, the Taliban had declared that keeping of caged birds and animals was illegal. But, who could question their incarceration of women? The women there were slut-shamed for adultery by stoning them to death. Why, then, is a man who commits adultery is praised for his masculinity?       The reality is that every single one of us is absolutely responsible for the mediocre position of women in the civilization. We go into raptures over men who cook for their wives, but take the millions of women who spend their entire lives in the kitchen for granted. It is all so profoundly engraved into our outlook that it comes as a surprise when men do something that a woman is, accordi...

Women- Part 1

Written by: Likitha Reddy     'Then the creation recognized its Creator in its own forms and appearances. For in the beginning, when God said, “Let it be!” and it came to pass, the means and the matrix of creation was Love, because all creation was formed through Her as in the twinkling of an eye.’               -The Holy Spirit as Sapientia St. Hildegard von Bingen       Women, according to more or less every human being’s subconscious characterization (both male and female), are substandard mortals  who were created to serve the other gender by submissively lending them their bodies whenever required and satisfying every man’s physical and social needs. They are expected to function according to ludicrous stereotypes that were etched into the very reality of mankind, keep their uteruses running until their biological clock ceases to tick and take care of their spawns. Child-rearing factories and spawning-ma...

The neighbour

  Back in the days when I was a young lad, a neighbour I had quite good and glad. A neighbour he was but more of a stranger because all we did was smile whenever we met each other. And I had secretly named him Orlando for his real name did I know not.   And one day when I was sitting on the lawns looking at the reddish sunset, a post I received telling me it was from my uncle who lived in another country. Excited as I was to receive it, I took one last view of the sun beautifully taking its night's dip into the clouds and ran to Orlando for I knew he'd read it to me. But his reply did stun me. " Neighbour, O neighbour, I cannot read it. " " Why ?" I asked, surprised, as I knew he was a kind man. " This thing ", he said pointing to the mail, " is sealed ."   So I went home and unsealed it- a work easier said than done and went to him the first thing the next morning. I then asked him to read it with a great amount of eagerness in...

Suicidal - Rant

I was born suicidal. Hang in there. Don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those people with cuts all over my body trying to earn sympathy for what I am. I'm just trying to write something about myself, something I've never dared to write down or talk about. So please bear with me if you can. I was born suicidal. Writing it down itself makes me form a lump in my throat - it isn't something I'd like to read or easily admit. It's usually something I like to stay away from pretending like it doesn't exist, locking it safe somewhere at the the back of the collection of my childhood memories where I wouldn't want to remember that I thought differently about death. As a kid, I thought everyone just wanted to die. No really, every single person just wanted to die. I still remember when I was probably 3 (may be 5) I was watching a cartoon where a character was trying to save his life and like the questioning child I always was I remember asking my dad rep...

Humour, sarcasm and satire

T here is humour and sarcasm And between a person who understands it and doesn't, There is a kinda chasm But I know these four lines don't very well explain them. So here I continue, I continue the poem I hope it doesn't fade away like foam, I love humour sarcasm and satire But some people get so offended, probably even about to retire. So to you, let this sink These words may make you for a few moments stare and blink, That sarcasm in its proper context would only make you think And between the sarcasm that mocks and the sarcasm that makes you think - there is hardly any link!