We're broken pieces
You and I.
May be we could fit in
Do you have enough room?
We're broken pieces
Stabbed with friendship
And love that was
Only a lesson.
We're broken pieces
May be together
We could be
A pretty mosaic.
We're broken pieces
But aren't mosaics pretty?
The random scattering,
The visual playing with your mind.
We're broken pieces
The ones that need
No mending
Only time will.
We're broken pieces
You were always there
When I broke down
Even when you didn't know why.
We're broken pieces
May be I'll tell it to you
Some other day
When it hurts lesser.
We're broken pieces
Let me cry
On your shoulder.
Let me hold your hand
Safely in mine
Through the bumpy ride.
Let my tears speak
For all that is to be said,
As I feel the pulse of
Your palm beat against mine.
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