(Kindly read part 1 before proceeding. Link: http://sharonmaryeappen.blogspot.in/2016/07/women-part-1.html?m=1 ) Torture is a prodigious understatement of what the women, or rather; the sex slaves of Afghanistan were put through by the Taliban. In Afghanistan, the Taliban had declared that keeping of caged birds and animals was illegal. But, who could question their incarceration of women? The women there were slut-shamed for adultery by stoning them to death. Why, then, is a man who commits adultery is praised for his masculinity? The reality is that every single one of us is absolutely responsible for the mediocre position of women in the civilization. We go into raptures over men who cook for their wives, but take the millions of women who spend their entire lives in the kitchen for granted. It is all so profoundly engraved into our outlook that it comes as a surprise when men do something that a woman is, accordi...
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