A peaceful reading, when I sit on my brown sheeted bunk bed reading a random novel I bought for a book sale - a random one I didn't particularly have on my reading list. A peaceful reading I must say, as this book doesn't have much content but is still a sweet distraction. Peaceful, I must surely tell because the only thing that surrounds me is silence - except for the rhythmic sound regarding the speed of the fan. (Oh, not very rhythmic actually. The fan turns on and then turns off - the power cuts here are too frequent.) The truth about Melody Brownie - Lisa Jewell A peaceful reading, as I hear sparrows by the window chirp adding music to my reading. The book is getting boring, it does get dragging for someone too used to thrillers but it is still a peaceful moment. It's in these loveless moments that I see the beauty of stillness - of how quiet things can actually be, as I, on the other hand, ke...
- - Throw in some science, a little theology, sprinkle it all with some literature; I'll be there somewhere in those entanglements, somewhere where the mind, spirit and heart can merge. - - | Instagram: sharonmaryeappen| Subscribe below to get notifications via email.