I had an investigatory project in biology where I had to analyse the affects of microwaved food/liquid items and compare them to food/liquid items that didn't enter the microwave. So I took two identical plants and gave one normal water and another microwaved water. The following are some of the pictures. The reason: I don't want to make this science heavy, but to keep it simple, the molecular structure of food changes when microwaved . Also, taking human beings into perspective, the human DNA is very sensible to radiations of any form , so long time exposure to both ionising and non ionising radiation can change a cell's DNA. Conclusion: The effects of microwaved food products are residual within the body and a lot of times the body cannot metabolise/break down the unknown by products created in microwaved food. If water is damaged this much, you can imagine what all the microwaving does to destroy the nutrient quality in the foo...
- - Throw in some science, a little theology, sprinkle it all with some literature; I'll be there somewhere in those entanglements, somewhere where the mind, spirit and heart can merge. - - | Instagram: sharonmaryeappen| Subscribe below to get notifications via email.